Gradska opstina Palilula

  • PUBLISHED 13.06.2018



    The 14th regular session of the Municipal Assembly of Palilula, chaired by the President of the Assembly of Adriana Anastasov, was held on June 13 in the hall of the Niš Cultural Center – NKC. After the adoption of the minutes of the previous session of the Assembly, the agenda was also considered. Following the explanations of the Head of the Department for Finances, Property and Communal Affairs Ivan Dragisic, the Assembly members adopted the Decision on the Final Account of the Budget of the Municipal Municipality of Palilula for 2017 and the Decision on Amendments to the Budget Decision for 2018.

    “The execution of the budget for 2017 is 80 percent, so we can say that the budget of the Municipality of Palilula is stable,” said the president of the Palilula Municipal Assembly, Adriana Anastasov. It is a novelty that our Municipality introduced gender budgeting and thus supported activities related to the implementation of the Strategy for the Promotion of Gender Equality. Despite the reduction in transfer funds, the Municipality of Palilula has found a way to function and implement numerous activities to improve the lives of its fellow citizens.

    Budget of the Municipality of Palilula is satisfactory. The budget is filling the way we planned last year. We are working on rebalancing, because we planned activities that were not realized in the last year. However, due to legal provisions, so that the funds would not be trapped in these positions, we were forced to transfer them to other positions. This money will be used to help Palilula residents through various forms of assistance, explains the President of Palilula, Aleksandar Zdrale. During the second half of 2018, as he said, a public invitation for sports associations, teams and individuals, as well as from the field of culture will be announced again. “We plan to focus these funds on this side, towards socially vulnerable categories, in the form of one-time assistance, and training young people, because recently we signed training for 25 people with the NSZ and the factory” Leoni “. Our goal is to employ the population on our territory and to regulate the communal infrastructure, added the President of Palilula. Two million dinars planned for the formation of the Sport Alliance of Palilula Municipality will be diverted to other positions. “The budget of the Municipality of Palilula is 142 million dinars, the total amount of money does not change anything, only from one position it transfers money to another. I emphasize that in the final account we achieved a surplus in the previous year, and in this year 2018, transferred funds in the amount of 6 million and 271 thousand dinars, which means that in the city municipality Palilula, we take care of each dinar, and so we will and continue, added Aleksandar Zdrale.

    At this session of the Assembly, after the presentation of the Director of the Institute for Urbanism, Miroljub Stankovic, the councilors gave their previous opinion on the four amendments to the general regulation plan for the area of the Municipality of Palilula – the first phase (partial changes). The fourth amendment to the General Regulation Plan in the City Municipality of Palilula includes several locations, among them army building “Filip Kljajić”, OTC – the future market, the third change refers to the area of Mlekara- Dairy factory and the fourth to a residential building in Rasadnik, damaged by fire. “The building in Rasadnik had the characteristics of a medium and moderate density housing, the apartment will be changed to high density in order to make this location more attractive, with a private-public partnership, explained the Director of the Urban Planning Institute of Niš, Miroljub Stankovic. According to the previous surveys of the Army, the barracks had a promising purpose. A year ago, the Republic of Serbia determined that the cities of Novi Sad, Belgrade, Kragujevac and Nis would receive only one barracks from the Republic, with the sole purpose, for the fields of culture and higher education. “Through this change, we allow the” Fipip Kljajić army building to go to civilian ownership, which is essential, and thus the city gets a lot of money. This significant historical object, beautiful architecture, will again be in operation, Stankovic concluded. At this session of the Assembly, answers to the parliamentary questions were also given