Gradska opstina Palilula

  • PUBLISHED 17.03.2022



    The Association of Creators of Nis “Car Konstantin”, under the auspices of the City of Nis- Palilula Municipality, promoted a new edition at the Nis Cultural Center: OLD CEMETERY AND MEMORIAL TOMBS IN NIS, by Zivojin Stanisavljevic, Milan Dimitrijevic and Dragan Vidojkovic. Apart from the organizers, the President of the Palilula City Municipality Bratislav Vuckovic, the president of the USN Board of Directors Novica Randjelovic, MA, and the book reviewer, journalist and publicist Ljubisa Sokolovic also spoke at the promotion of the book, which was extremely well attended. At the beginning of the promotion of the book, the documentary film “STORIES OF FORGOTTEN GRAVES”, shown by Dragan Zika Stojanovic, was projected.

    Palilula Municipality, with the support of the city, made the old cemeteries and memorials preserved from oblivion, the Old Nis Cemetery under “Gorica”, the MILITARY Cemetery on Delijski Vis, the “Bubanj” Memorial Park as authentic testimonies of personalities and events in Nis, are under the protection of the state, but we are committed with our citizens to maintain these sites, said the mayor Bratislav Vuckovic. In the past decade of successful work, the Association of Creators of Nis, through numerous activities, especially through publishing, has made a great contribution to preserving from oblivion the events and prominent individuals of the City of Nis, says Novica Randjelovic, MA

    According to the book reviewer, journalist and publicist Ljubiša Sokolović, graves, monuments and memorials are the bearers of the historical collective memory of people and events, and according to him, they establish continuity between the past and the present. “Respect for monuments is, in fact, respect for honorable ancestors, people and events whose values ​​we still inherit today. In addition to information on old cemeteries and memorial tombs, the organizers also give us information on memorials and execution sites, ancient necropolises, rules on cemeteries, realized and unrealized urban plans and artistic values ​​of monuments.

    “The purpose of this prepared publication is to fill the old cemeteries and memorial tombs in Nis, where the bones of our ancestors are, recorded in various books, in accordance with the law on copyright and related rights, with new data and collect them in one book. The book should enable Nis residents and other citizens, especially young people, to preserve the memory and deep respect for their ancestors, to know their roots (old cemeteries) and at what price they paid for their (our) freedom, says the publicist, graduated lawyer Zivojin Stanisavljevic.

    The Old Cemetery in Gorica, the Pantelej Cemetery, the Jewish Cemetery, the Old Military Cemetery and the English Military Cemetery in Nis have long since retired, and individuals have not been buried in them for a long time. A kind of memorial cemetery – sanctuaries are Ćele Kula, Memorial Pyramid in the Military Hospital, Memorial Ossuary to the executed and hanged patriots and participants in the Toplica Uprising of 1917, Concentration Camp February 12 at the Red Cross in Nis, Bubanj in Nis, Memorial Ossuary heroes of the People’s Liberation War 1941–1944. on Sindjelic Square in Nis, tombstones of Soviet soldiers on King Alexander Square in Nis…

    The organizers showed that, in addition to good and versatile competence, persistence in searching for data and documents, as well as respecting the necessary remarks and additions, they made, with dedicated work, the manuscript for the publication Old Cemeteries and Memorial Tombs in Nis well done. The book is in A4 format, with about 180 pages, contains about 40 photographs and illustrations. It can be ordered from the publisher – Association of Creators of Nis “Tsar Constantine” Nis ( or in the bookstore of the Nis Cultural Center.