Gradska opstina Palilula

  • PUBLISHED 12.02.2018



    The Standing Conference of Towns and Municipalities, the Working Group of the Government of the Republic of Serbia for Providing Support to Maintaining the Internal Dialogue on Kosovo and Metohija and the Ministry of State Administration and Local Self-Government organized in Niš, February 12, 2018. a roundtable of Cities and Municipalities within the process ” Dialogue on Kosovo and Metohija “. The roundtable was organized on the initiative of the President of the Republic of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, with the participation of the Minister of State Administration and Local Government Branko Ružić, Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Đurić, Mayor of Niš, Darko Bulatović, State Secretary in the Ministry of State Administration and Local Government Bojan Stević and State Secretary in the Ministry of Justice, Radomir Ilic. The meeting was chaired by SKGO president and Mayor of Sombor Dušanka Golubović. The President of the Municipality of Palilula, Aleksandar Ždrale, also participated in this meeting.

    SKGO President Dusanka Golubovic emphasized that the idea of a round table is to conduct a dialogue on how to share our knowledge and experiences with the municipalities of Kosovo and Metohija. “We want to point out the opportunities for inter-municipal cooperation, in terms of capacity allocation, labor force engagement and available expert assistance. Certainly, we will also consider other ways and means of helping municipalities in the territory of Kosovo and Metohija, “said Golubovic. “Your coming in this issue shows how important the topic of the internal dialogue on Kosovo is. It is important that we conduct dialogue together, to look at the solutions that stand before us and to take a wise and realistic approach that leads us to the future, “said Minister Ruzic, adding that it is necessary to focus and apply a wide range of activities in a decent and decentralized way.

    Time requires local self-governments to take part of the burden and responsibility for state and national politics and protection of interests, emphasized the Director of the Office for KiM, Marko Djuric. It is very important that Serbian municipalities in Kosovo know that they care about the whole of Serbia, and that it is not a priority in money, but it is necessary for local self-governments to organize themselves and individually as much as they can. “It could be once a visit, sometimes could be for exaple finding businessmen from local municipalities who will donate scholarships for Serbian children in Kosovo. In the end, we from the Government and the municipalities that can support, support and financially, “said Djuric. At the meeting, which brought together mayors and municipal presidents from all over Serbia, it was proposed that each of the Serbian municipalities in Kosovo will be helped by 10 local self-governments from central Serbia, which in this way will jointly take care of our citizens in Kosovo.