Gradska opstina Palilula

  • PUBLISHED 21.02.2022



    After many years of torments for the inhabitants of the settlement “9. May “in Palilula Municipality, works began on the construction of a water supply network in these ten streets: Lukovska, Blagoja Krušića, Pločnička, Novogradska, December 22, Valterova, Kosanička, Ratarska, Dobrodolska and Jošanička.

    According to the Mayor Dragana Sotirovski, within the construction of the missing infrastructure, the City of Nis concluded an Agreement with JKP “Naissus” Nis, on the construction of the water supply network and connection connections in the Settlement “9. May “. The contract envisages the construction of a water supply network in 10 streets, 110 mm in diameter, with a total length of 2300 m, as well as 123 connection connections. The machines have been present in Plocnicka Street since Monday, February 21, where the construction of a 394-meter-long water supply network is planned.

    “We are starting the construction of the water supply network in ten streets, which we agreed with the citizens’ council, at one of the meetings we had at the City Hall and at the reception of citizens.” Now, there are also residents of those streets that do not have sewerage. Here, with the President of Palilula Municipality, Bratislav Vuckovic, we made an agreement to list all those streets, to see what the property status is, that those streets that do not have asphalt and property are not resolved, to prepare them this year and make asphalt next year. There are many inherited problems here, starting with how the settlement came to be at the first place. We know that property relations have not been resolved for many years, so one part of the settlement is flooded with groundwater. The locals themselves have a part of the responsibility because we hear now that many drainage canals are buried, because they are on those canals, or right next to the built house, without permits. It is important that the machines from the water supply system arrived, that today we start with this Plocnicka Street, which is the longest, a total of about 2,300 meters of water supply network will be built here, the City of Nis will cost about 30 million dinars, but that money should not be regretted. We know that once and for all, we will solve the water supply network for the people who live here, and as far as I know, there are 123 families in total – among other things, the Mayor of Nis, Dragana Sotirovski, pointed out.

    According to the president of Palilula Municipality, Bratislav Vuckovic, “9 Maj” is one of the largest settlements in the municipality of Palilula, with the largest number of problems, starting with infrastructure. “Apart from the problem with the water supply network, there is also the problem that citizens have around the space for the cemetery, with parking, with the underpass. We have to solve these problems together because that is the only way we can do everything. This includes property and legal affairs. The settlement was founded more than thirty years ago and was built without the necessary paperwork, and the problems have now become visible. This year, 10 streets will be built and we will try to solve the parking problem, but we cannot do all that alone without the help of citizens. At this moment, only water supply and sewerage will be done. Bratislav Vuckovic added that the problem with the underpass will also be solved. “We learned from the locals that there is a passage near the underpass that is buried.

    We will talk to people who know the matter, to try to open that pedestrian passage so that the locals would not be exposed to danger. As for the railway bridge, it is a problem that has been around for decades. The underpass is very risky for both railway and road traffic. Many trucks and trucks pass under that underpass, often hit the protective fence, do not use an alternative road. “Unfortunately, that is the problem of the railway, so far we have sent them several letters after the conversation, but the solution to that problem is beyond our reach,” Vuckovic concluded.

    Zoran Mišić is a resident of the settlement “9.maj”, a member of the Citizens’ Council and Jelena Jovanović, secretary of the Association “Naš jug 9.maj”, which is fighting to solve problems in the settlement, pointed out some key issues of urbanization of this part of Palilula. The main problem is the water supply and sewerage network. With the arrival of machines, a shift is expected. “From the overpass to the primary school to which we send our children, there are about two kilometers and children walk on the sidewalks because of parked cars, thus endangering their safety. It is necessary to urgently install steps on the sidewalks. Another problem is the turnpike in the very center of the settlement, which would have to be relocated. The frequency of traffic is high, there is a big crowd and the safety of people is endangered. The turning point could be moved near Vulkan, where the main turning plateau could be set up, “said Jelena Jovanović.