Gradska opstina Palilula

  • PUBLISHED 29.09.2022


    Мерење учинка у управљању људским ресурсима општине Палилула

    As part of the program: Human resource management in local self-government – phase 2, a new (third) performance measurement in human resource management (HRM) in local self-government was carried out on September 29 in Palilula Municipality, Niš. These are municipalities that received support from the program, either through the implementation of a support package in 50 local self-governments in Serbia or through some other activity. The performance index of the Standing Conference of Cities and Municipalities (SKGO) was used to measure performance.

    The Council of Europe hired consultants who, in direct cooperation with the representatives of the municipality – the Team for Human Resources and Professional Development, performed a measurement in the area of ​​human resources management (HRM). The human resources team of the Palilula Municipality consisted of: Sanja Milenović, president, Tamara Pešić and Miloš Davidović, team members.

    “Using the method of observation in the first six months of this year, it was established that all employees in the Administration of the Palilula Administration perform their work dedicatedly, with great attention and the necessary competencies. The team spirit is particularly noteworthy when it comes to large joint actions that the Municipality of Palilula implements within its jurisdiction. Employees feel a sense of belonging to the Municipality of Palilula and identify with its organizational culture. All employees complete their assigned tasks on time and strive to do their best, helping each other when needed. In essence, there is good communication between the employees and conflicts are rare and negligible because we are talking about people who have been working together for many years, and know each other well and resolve conflicts very quickly, so there is no need for any intervention”, she pointed out in his report, the officer for human resources and professional development of the Municipality of Palilula, sociologist Sanja Milenović.

    The expert consultants of the project evaluated positively the work and management of human resources and gave recommendations for further improvement.

    It has been noted that there is a shortage of manpower in certain areas, but the existing restrictions cannot compensate for this shortage, and employees are often overworked to fulfill all work tasks. Many employees finish their work even after leaving the workplace, which only speaks of their commitment to the institution where they work. There is also a gap in the knowledge of digital tools, but mostly all employees know the IT field within their job description. As technology is constantly evolving, additional training is needed in this area, especially when it comes to data protection and privacy and the emergence of advanced analytical tools. As more intensive digitization of the administration is expected in the coming period, it is necessary to expand knowledge in this area by following emerging changes.

    This program is jointly financed by the European Union and the Council of Europe, and is implemented by the Office of the Council of Europe in Belgrade. (D.V)