Gradska opstina Palilula

  • PUBLISHED 27.11.2022


    ФК Палилулац – „70 година без адресе“

    Under the motto “70 years without an address”, the monograph of the `Palilulac` Football Club, authored by Časlav Sibinović, was promoted in the Niš Cultural Center. The former player, coach, and during one period the president of the club made an effort to present his Palilulac in the right way through a large number of documents and records, as well as anecdotes and biographies.

    Prof. Dr. Nenad Živanović gave a special scientific-research feature to the monograph, while moral and professional support came from Ivan Hadži Đorđević, who is also one of the reviewers of the book. The current president of the Football Association of Niš, said that this is a great testimony about the development of a football club, but also a record that will contribute to pulling it out of oblivion for a while. Hadži Đorđević was just born in Palilulac, and for many years he was also the captain.

    The author himself especially emphasizes the generations that were extremely successful in the sports field.

    Many legends of the club from that period attended the promotion, so it was also an opportunity to evoke memories. Bratislav Vučković, the current president of the City Municipality of Palilula, recalls his playing days. Bata Vučković points out that Palilulac was a second home to all of them, even though it is a club, which is still without an address today…

    In the monograph itself, the history of football in Niš is covered, but the families and people who marked the existence, work and life of Palilulac are also presented. Without the help of good people, we wouldn’t even have the history of Palilulac in one place.

    Journalist Tomislav Santrač also spoke at the promotion, who, as a chronicler of sports events, said that this book is the path along which life travels and that it represents a scrapbook of memories, prepared with a lot of love and attention.

    The story of the first 70 years of Palilulac, which has a soul, but is still without an address!70 years of FK Palilulac, promotion of the monograph