Gradska opstina Palilula

  • PUBLISHED 19.03.2021



    The President of Palilula Municipality, Bratislav Vuckovic, and the President of the NGO “Green Development Center” in Sremska Mitrovica, Predrag Ratic, signed a protocol on cooperation on March 19 in Nis. This continues the activity in the implementation of the action “Plant your shade in 2021” in order to improve the lives of citizens. Dušan Jakovljević from the Green Development Center also attended the signing of the protocol.

    According to President Vuckovic, the Municipality of Palilula will encourage individuals and legal entities from its territory to actively participate in the planting of Beli Jasen in 2021 under the name “Plant your shade”, which develops the awareness of the environment about the importance of planting trees. The realization of this project, according to the president of the NGO “Green Development Center”, Predrag Ratic, provides citizens with a realistic insight into air quality, and the municipality of Palilula – the city of Nis the way to the status of GREEN CITY.

    This project is in line with the European New Deat, in which clean air in urban areas is one of the pillars of the circular economy and is supported by numerous institutions. (EKOpolis, D. Vidojković)