Gradska opstina Palilula

  • PUBLISHED 18.12.2017



    The eleventh meeting of Palilula Municipal Assembly was held on December 18 in the hall of the Niš Cultural Center. After the adoption of the minutes from the 10th meeting of the Assembly, the Municipal councilors made a decision on the 2018 Budget with the Human Resources Plan for the year 2018 of the Administration of the Municipal Municipality of Palilula. Ivan Dragisic, head of the Department of Finance, Property and Utility Affairs, gave introductory remarks on the projected Municipal budget for 2018. He emphasized that about the draft budget decision was a public debate organized previously. The budget of the Municipality of Palilula for 2018 will be 5.5 percent lower than this year’s amount and will amount to 142.125.970,00 dinars. One of the reasons for correcting the Municipal budget is the reduction of the annual transfer to the Palilula Municipality from the City of Nis budget for 16 million dinars. The president of Palilula Municipality, Aleksandar Ždrale, said on the projected budget of the Municipality of Palilula for 2018, that it is restrictive, with real-budget planned revenues, of which the biggest share is income from income tax, profit and capital gains in the amount of 34,323,970.00 dinars . Total revenues are planned in the amount of 130.125.970,00 dinars. Current expenditures are planned in the amount of 142.125.970,00 dinars and are allocated to four direct beneficiaries: Assembly, President, Council and Management Board.

    In spite of the situation that has arisen, according to the president of the Municipality, adequate amounts of funds for social assistance to vulnerable population, grants to sports associations and individuals, grants to associations for projects in the field of culture and other activities will be allocated. Financial support will also be given to projects: Accessibility of health services for women with an emphasis on women from the rural areas, Support to single parents, Domestic violence / partnership – Endangering the person integrity, providing assistance to women for easier self-employment and employment through education in the field of entrepreneurship – The joy of Europe, the Palilula Evening, the Municipal Glory of the “Summon of Serbian Saints”, the Regatta called `Teacher Viden Jovanovic`. The President of the Municipal Assembly, Adrijana Anastasov, emphasized that the Municipality of Palilula, in adopting the Strategy and the local action plan for improving the position of women and promoting gender equality in 2017-2021 in its September session, became the first Municipality south of Belgrade, which in this way contributed to the improvement of the position of women and promoted the principles of gender equality. We have included the gender budgeting and allocated part of the financial resources for the projects, pointed out Adriana Anastasov. According to the President of Palilula Municipality, Aleksandar Ždrale, the level of equality and gender equality in our community reflects the level of its development and the fundamental values on which the human rights system rests.

    The Assembly of the Palilula Municipality also adopted the Decision on the organization of the Administration of the City Municipality of Palilula, explained Marija Brajdić, Head of the Municipal Administration. Since this year, the City Municipalities, as organizational units of the City of Nis, have been authorized to participate in the discussion of the programs and plans for the operation of public companies. At the eleventh session of the Assembly of the Palilula Municipality, the previous opinion was given to the Development Program of the City of Niš for 2018 and the Business Programs of Thirteen Public Companies founded by the City of Nis. At the session of the Assembly, the Decision on Amendments to the Decision on Cultural, Sports and Other Events of Significance for the City Municipality of Palilula was adopted. Lazar Dinić, a member of the Municipal Council, gave a certain explanation of this decision. Decisions have been made regarding the dismissal and appointment of certain members of the Commission, as well as the decision on granting approval for the use of the name Palilula in the name of the Sports Association of Palilula.