PUBLISHED 20.01.2021
Last year will be remembered for the great and hitherto unrecored air pollution. In order to ensure better air quality and regular information of citizens, who are increasingly concerned about health, Municipalities and Cities, where pollution is too high, are obliged to adopt an air quality plan and determine measures to solve the problem.
Until almost completely uninterested in this topic, citizens today want to know which pollutants are emitted by coal-fired thermal power plants, what cars emit into the air, and how harmful PM10 and PM2.5 particles are harmful to health.
In accordance with the provisions of the Law on Air Protection, the management of the Municipality of Palilula, led by the president Bratislav Vuckovic, organized a working meeting on January 20 with representatives of RJ “Dimnicar” JKP Mediana Nis, Irena Stamenkovic, manager and Petar Stojanovic, head of the service. The topic of conversation was the collection of data on the source of pollution, as well as the list of measures that are planned to reduce pollution in the municipality of Palilula.
RJ “Dimnicar”, which annually maintains over 22,000 chimneys, operates in business and residential buildings within JKP “Mediana”. According to Irena Stamenković, chimney sweeps perform their work professionally and reliably, they are trained for cleaning flue and firebox devices and installations in catering facilities, bakeries, kitchens for mass food storage, industrial plants, heating plants and craft plants. (EKOpolis, D. Vidojković)