Gradska opstina Palilula

  • PUBLISHED 06.04.2019



    Mayor of Nis Darko Bulatovic and the president of Palilula Municipality, Aleksandar Zdrale, spoke on Saturday, 6 April, with the residents of village Donje Medjurovo on solving many infrastructure problems. As agreed, the construction of communal infrastructure in this Palilula village will begin next week.
    “The city is finally in a situation that can solve these long-standing problems -” For two and a half years we have been saving, suffering criticism and repaying debts. Now we do not owe anyone and we have more money than ever to build, and that will be very quick, “Bulatovic said.”We will try to arrange the road until the Easter up to the cemetery and the village church, and we immediately begin to solve other problems.

    The villagers pointed out the sewage and the unpaved streets as the main difficulties and it was agreed that at least three streets in the settlement will be completed this year, and a complete reconstruction of the main road which starts from Čokot to Donje Međurovo will take place from the settlement “9.Maj” next month, which is in a very bad condition, “the Mayor said. It was agreed that, with the assistance of City services, solutions for the underpass under the old road will be found, as well as the connection of the houses to sewers that are at a higher level than the existing network.