PUBLISHED 09.09.2020
The President of the Palilula Municipality-Niš, at the beginning of the new school year, is organizing a meeting with the principals of special schools that work on the territory of the municipality in order to determine new forms of cooperation. On this occasion, the President of the Municipality, BRATISLAV VUCKOVIC, with his associates, the City Council of Nis for Education, Prof. Dr. Marija Randjelovic and the President of the Association “FROS” Nebojsa Saitovic visited the School for Primary and Secondary Education “Carica Jelena” and the Special School with dormitories Bubanj “.
The school principals were presented with appropriate gifts (school supplies) as a gift from the Federation of Roma Elementary School, High School and FROS Students. “The cooperation of our Municipality with the non-governmental sector will be mutual because this is one of the rare cases where non-governmental organizations donate something to the municipality.” We pass it on to those who need it the most. In this case, the common assessment was that the school material that arrived was most needed by these schools. The donation is going to the right hands, and we will continue the cooperation, concluded the mayor Bratislav Vuckovic.