Gradska opstina Palilula

  • PUBLISHED 11.05.2022



    The President of Palilula Municipality in Niš, Bratislav Vučković, received a delegation from the Faculty of Law, Security and Management “Konstantin the Great”, Union University “Nikola Tesla”, led by the dean Prof. Dr. Gruja Kostadinović with the vice-deans Prof. Dr. Vladan Vučić and Prof. Dr. Tomislav Radovic. A contract was signed on business cooperation on the implementation of specific activities that have an educational, practical and developmental dimension.

    In a very warm conversation with the representatives of this higher educational institution, which was also attended by the head of the Municipal administration Slobodanka Đorđević Mladenović, the head of the Department for presidential affairs Dragan Terzić and Dragan Vidojković, M.Sc., the President of Palilula Municipality, Bratislav Vučković emphasized the openness of the Municipality of Palilula for cooperation with education institutions and organizations.

    The Faculty of Law, Security and Management “Konstantin the Great”, with headquarters in Niš and a unit in Belgrade, of the University “Union Nikola Tesla” is the first private higher education institution in Niš. According to the Dean Prof. Dr. Gruja Kostadinović, the activities of the Faculty are scientific-teaching and scientific-research work. It is achieved through study programs that educate students on basic four-year studies to acquire the title: graduate lawyer, graduate manager in the field of security and graduate manager in the field of traffic. Master’s studies take place in all three study programs and offer the possibility of continuing education at doctoral studies anywhere in the country.

    The vice-chancellor of the University and one of the founders of the Faculty, emeritus Prof. Andon G. Kostadinivić, PhD, thanked for the warm welcome and on this occasion presented President Vučković with a monograph on his scientific contribution to the study of the sociology of work and the development of sociological thought. (D. Vidojković)