On May 17, 2022, the second meeting of the Committee for the preparation and celebration of the “Palilula Night” was organized. The meeting was chaired by the president of the Municipality, Bratislav Vučković.
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On May 17, 2022, the second meeting of the Committee for the preparation and celebration of the “Palilula Night” was organized. The meeting was chaired by the president of the Municipality, Bratislav Vučković.
Детаљније »12.05.2022
The EU PRO Plus development program funded by the European Union and implemented in cooperation with the Ministry of European Integration has published a public call for submission of project proposals for the allocation of grants for the purchase of equipment and the introduction …
Детаљније »11.05.2022
The President of Palilula Municipality in Niš, Bratislav Vučković, received a delegation from the Faculty of Law, Security and Management “Konstantin the Great”, Union University “Nikola Tesla”, led by the dean Prof. Dr. Gruja Kostadinović with the vice-deans Prof. Dr. Vladan Vučić and Prof. …
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