Gradska opstina Palilula

  • PUBLISHED 30.08.2019



    On August 30th, President of Palilula Municipality Aleksandar Zdrale, with his associates, visited the residents of Ledena stena settlement, who live on Ledena stena Street (below the railway), in order to review the anticipated infrastructure works and to implement the measures of the Government of the Republic of Serbia. According to the President of Palilula, this is the first in a series of activities of Municipal teams that will visit and gather original information in the field. “The goal is to improve the quality of life for all citizens, especially in suburban neighborhoods that lack water and sewage,” says Aleksandar Zdrale.

    At the initiative of the President of the Republic of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, the Government of the Republic of Serbia – Public Investment Management Office has prepared a Program for the Reconstruction and Improvement of the Sewer Infrastructure System. In order to successfully and efficiently implement this Program, local government units (JSLs) are obliged to prepare a register, draft analysis and design documentation on sewer infrastructure with the professional and technical support of the Office. The whole process will be conducted in four stages, namely: Analysis of the existing state of the sewerage system in the territory of the local self-government unit (JSL); Renovation (reconstruction) and construction-upgrading of the sewer infrastructure system; Construction / Reconstruction of Waste Water Treatment Plants (WWTP) and Improvement of Sewage Infrastructure System. Each of these phases will be implemented in order and in accordance with the priorities up to the level of reaching the criteria and standards of satisfaction of public utilities.

    Local Government Units (JSLs) will first develop a Sewer Network Improvement Program in their territory no later than September 13, 2019 and submit to the Office of Public Investment Management. Thereafter, by January 15, 2020, they are required to submit an Analysis of the existing condition of the sewer network. Preparation of the analysis and other project technical documentation is a prerequisite for participation in the Program. Local self-government units (LGUs) will be considered to be included in the Program only after the Chancellor of Public Investment Management confirms with a report that the analysis contains all the necessary elements and that it was done in accordance with the given requirements.