PUBLISHED 04.02.2022
At the international conference in Oslo, organized by the Foundation “Culture of Remembrance” (Association of Serbian Associations in Norway), a part of the film project “Death Camp in Karasjok” was promoted, lasting 8 minutes, which talks about the suffering of Serbs in Norwegian camps during the Second world war. According to Branko Dimeski, producer of the film, the author team of this important project consisting of Knut Flovik Thoresen, historian and writer, director Kjetil Palmquist, director Terje Holm, is expected to complete the editing by June 2022.
“I thank my friends from Norway who, with a film about the suffering of our interned camp inmates, tore from the historical oblivion the week of Nazis they committed in Nis and Karasjok!” , said the president of Palilula Municipality, Nis, Bratrislav Vuckovic. (D.Vidojkovic)