PUBLISHED 29.03.2018
Welcome speech by the Palilula president on the occasion of the School with the student’s home “Bubanj” Niš, on March 29, 2018, National Theater Hall.
We are proud that in Palilula we have an institution that has already successfully completed educational missions for already 65 years. This school with the home of the pupils “Bubanj” was founded in the 1950s (1953) and is today a modern institution that uses modern technical means and methods in the treatment of people with many disorders and disabilities and is an example of good practice. It is a pleasure to cooperate successfully with similar institutions in the Region. By applying inclusive education in our society, which perceives education, recognizing the different characteristics of students and adapted to each student, they further emphasize the results and the important role of this school “Bubanj”. The city Municipality of Palilula, advocates that these values of democracy, tolerance and respect for diversity, have the constant support of the wider community. I would like to wish to you to continue to work successfully.
Aleksandar ŽDRALE, President of Palilula Municipality -Niš.