Gradska opstina Palilula

  • PUBLISHED 09.06.2018



    Palilula Municipality with the support of the Association of Recreational Fishing “EKO FIŠING” organized the fifth Moravian regatta “Teacher Viden Jovanovoic” on the section from the village Klisura in the municipality of Doljevac to the village of Lalinac in the municipality of Palilula. “Our journey to South Moravia will remain for everyone in a fond memories. This year, we recorded with the support of the Media Environment Network of Serbia, EKOpolis, a wealth of flora and fauna in this river, as well as some activities of irresponsible behavior of inhabitants that endanger the environment, such as rejected bags and plastic packaging along the river bank or uncontrolled gravel exploitation, “he said. President of the Municipality of Palilula Aleksandar Ždrale.

    The river Morava is the leading backbone of central Serbia. It’s South and West Morava that meet with Stalac. The Juzna -South Morava is formed by the flows of the Ključevska and Slatina rivers creating the river Golem, which, after crossing the Macedonian-Serbian border, is known as Binačka Morava. After 49km, Binačka Morava meets with Presevo Moravica, near Bujanovac, and the remaining 246 km flows as the South Morava. The Morava or Velika Morava is formed by the merging of the Western and South Moravia with the city of Stalac. It is rolled into the Danube in the area between Smederevo and Kostolac. Morava is along with the West Morava, the largest Serbian river. The length of the Great Morava is 185 km.