PUBLISHED 06.06.2019
The USAID Project for Responsible Authority, in cooperation with the portal Pistaljka (published by the Eutopia Association), organized an advanced two-day training on the implementation of the Law on the Protection of whistleblowers for Local Governments in Serbia, on June 5 and 6, 2019 in Belgrade, at the hotel Park.
In addition to journalist and lawyer of Pištaljka portal, the trainer was Tom Divine, Legal Director of the Responsible Authority of Washington and an eminent international expert in the field of protection of exciters, a consultant on the drafting of the Law on the Protection of Accusers in Serbia, as well as a consultant for the drafting of the European Union Directive on Protecting the whistleblowers.
From Palilula Municipality in Niš, this training cycle was successfully managed by Slobodanka Djordjevic Mladenovic, Secretary of the Municipal Assembly and Dragan Vidojkovic, journalist, delegated of the Municipality of Palilula for the SCTM. Advanced training on the implementation of the Law on Protection of the whistleblowers of is, first and foremost, dedicated to persons appointed and authorized to receive information from an alert and to act upon this information.